If you haven't yet discovered Etsy, I would like to invite you to check it out! Etsy is an online marketplace for buying and selling all things handmade. Etsy is not an auction. If you see something you like, you buy it ... right then and right there (of course you'll need to set up an account first!). Since Etsy launched in June 2005, over 100,000 sellers have set up Etsy shops, including many international (i.e., non-U.S.) sellers, and more sellers are joining Etsy every day! In addition to handmade items, you will also find vintage items and various craft supplies on Etsy. All sales are between the seller and the customer. PayPal is the preferred form of payment amongst most Etsy sellers, although many also accept money orders, checks, and other forms of payment. I have added pictures of some of the things currently available in my Etsy shop on the right sidebar (over there --->). When you click on one of these pictures, you will be taken to that item's page in my Etsy shop ... how cool is that?!
You may already be familiar with my web site, Prairie Primitives Folk Art. If you haven't visited lately, I hope you will soon!

I also have an online yard sale where I sell all sorts of things, including antiques, vintage textiles and buttons, "de-stashed" fabric, and books.
I am delighted to combine shipping between these various sites! Just let me know what you're interested in and I will check on the shipping for you. Please remember to include your zip code (or country) when asking about postage.
And lastly, where you will not be finding me for the foreseeable future is on eBay. Although I have sold on eBay for nearly 11 years now, I'm thinking that their most recent policy changes which are scheduled to take effect on February 20, 2008 will make it too expensive to sell there now. This is especially true for sellers of lower-priced items (such as myself), as their FVF (final value fee) is going up quite a bit on items selling for less than $25! eBay's new feedback policy is for the birds too. While it doesn't go into effect until May, I think, under the new rules, sellers will be forbidden from leaving anything but positive feedback for a buyer. And while I don't enjoy leaving less than glowing feedback, there are those rare occasions when it is genuinely warranted. Sigh.
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